Saturday, September 22, 2007

Busy times

Indeed these have been busy times here in the home trying to do a million things and getting ready for upcoming meetings and faith trips...XD is gonna start this coming Monday taking away quite a few young people from the home for 3 weeks, on top of that at the same time other people are leaving for follow-up trips that same day, leaving myself and other 2 ladies all alone at home for a few days...yikes..well, I'll always have my kids to care for, so I guess it makes little difference for me, plus lots and lots of other clean-up I guess that will be fun....(said sarcastically by the way) I sound stressed?!...Lord help me, trying not to be..towards middle October, shortly after everyone comes home from XD, us parents will be leaving for the PEP, so looking forwards to that...on a positive note, I started picking up an old hobby of mine, something I had not done in more than 10 years, and that is glass painting...will take pics of my creations and post them soon...well, till the next one folks..


Boo ya said...

i love you lisa! keep updating. xxxx praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'll pray for you. Sounds like busy times, it's worth it though. I look forward to the pictures of your creations. I love you!