Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Haircut

Well, it was about time the little man got a haircut, although I must admit that his curls were just too adorable, just always messy and in a jumble(see previous post for a pic of him with that hair)...anyhow, just yesterday he went to the hairdresser(a.k.a. Crystal)and this is the result...I think she did a pretty job, seeing he would not sit still for a minute..he looks older with this hair do...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Recent pictures

Our nursery, plus Julian
The twins enjoying their rollerblades..they are getting better by the day

And here is little Mattia making a foolish face..please pray for him as these last few days he got this really high fever and his tonsils are completly swollen..he's having to take antibiotics to clear up the infection..poor cookie..

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Bro is leaving....sob.....

Yes, I've been quite happy to have Luca and Claire here for the last couple of weeks, but alas they are leaving this week-end for the cold country of England where they will be spending the rest of time they are here in Europe..sob...oh well, at least last night we got to go out for pizza me, Andrea, Luca, Claire and Julian..went to a nice place and even got ice cream afterwards..of course I took my camera along, but to my dismay my batteries died shortly after having taken just a couple of pics..just managed to take these two of Luca and his beer and Julian enjoying his plate of chips...

Thursday, July 3, 2008


My bro Luca and family just came over here to visit from Mexico, so for a bit there are 3 cousins living together...first pic is Julian, second Matthias, third Luca, Andrea's kid...