Thursday, April 16, 2009


After having lived in this area of Italy for so long and having never been to Venice, we decided it was about time, and so for family day we and some other ppl set off to see the "water city" was a such a beatiful day, although we did quite a bit of walking..there is so much to see, it is truly and an amazing place..these are just a couple of pics from a bridge view (one of the many)..will most lots more pics soon..I'm just too tired right now...enjoy..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Counting my blessings

Matthias being the very cute and adorable soul that he is...(coughs loudly)..
Bianca enjoying a pic-nic in the garden in the lovely April weather..
Don't know why Erica was making that face...I guess she was caught offguard.... well, now that it's been 10 days that I've had my operation I can say thatI'm finally starting to see almost normally..this last week was a bit tough trying to do stuff and get around, and man I sure started appreciating my eyes! It's gonna take about a month for them to be completly normal, without any swelling, redness on the white part, ect; but apart from that I really do hope that this sugery had the desired effect and that is having eyes that can focus without any difficult..please pray for that..I'm going for another check up at the end of April so till then no scary pics of