Sunday, May 31, 2009

19 random things

  1. When I leave Italy to go live anywhere else, I miss it immensely
  2. I hate having dry skin on my hands.
  3. I love Kenny G. music.
  4. I talk way too fast.
  5. Last year I left the old continent for the first time.
  6. I type with only one hand.
  7. I like neatly kept gardens with lots of flowers but hate gardening.
  8. I want to go see Australia.
  9. I was 19 when I took a plane for the first time.
  10. There are places of my body that I would “fix” with plastic surgery.
  11. I seriously dislike driving and never do it, but I have a license since 10 years.
  12. I have no patience for those restaurants where they take eons to serve you.
  13. I’ve been twice under total anesthesia.
  14. I saw a baby being born and cut his umbilical cord.
  15. I’m scared of, and loathe flying insects.
  16. I’ve actually had the muscles in my eyes moved from one position to another.
  17. I don’t know how to rollerblade
  18. I think that one of the worse feelings in the world is that of missing people.
  19. Watching movies helps me to relax.

I know, it was soppoused to be 25 things but I started working on this list 2 months ago when my sis Dora decided to ask me to write something like this out, and everytime something would come to mind I'd write it down...but now I've decided to post it as it is as the last post for this month...enjoy...


Boo ya said...

i loathe flying insects too! and the you shouldhave written 25..

Lisa said...

I tried, I really did, you to reach 25, but I guess my life is just way to boring to come up with that many things...:p

Crystal said...

"you only type with one finger!"
and how can you say your life is boring, you've got 3 entertaining kids!!!
(love u)

Lisa said...

my life is not boring, more like routine...:p...(you know me right?..:p)love you too Crys

Lisa said...

my life is not boring, more like routine...:p...(you know me right?..:p)love you too Crys