Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My twins turned 8

In the water
my sister in law that came along with my nephew
waiting for the cake
just about to blow out the candles
..........and our family portrait!

Yes, today my girls are 8 years old and we had a pretty full day! We started off in the morning by taking them to the pool where we stayed until lunch time, came home, ate lumch, had a bit of quite time and then in the afternoon we had the whole opening presents-eating cake party..................the biggest present they got this year was rollerblades........it had been awhile they had been asking me to get them some so now they have something new to practise on.....wow they truly are gettimng so big..sob....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Angels

......and finally the little man of the family...he's almost 17 months now,eats lot, likes flashcards and the sorts, and thinks about playing and running around most of the time...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's been a year!

I just realised today that on the 12th it's been a year that I've been blogging! I looked over my posts of the last year, and quite a few things have happened, most nice, so I can thank the lord for that....I don't have any pictures to show for this post as my husband finally managed to find a bit of time to rid my laptop from a very hated Windows Vista and put XP on it, so I'm very happy about that but he hasn't yet completed the whole work so I have to wait to get my hands on the pictures from my comp, as right now I'm using his...oh well, bye for now..

Friday, June 6, 2008

My adorable nephew

Here he is, in all his splendour blowing out his very first candle today!! He was quite exicited although not really understanding why everyone was giving him all the attention and singing "happy birthday" to him all day long! Ha!