Monday, June 22, 2009

Explaination of previous post

Yes, another year has gone by and my twins are now 9 years old! Their birthday is actually tomorrow, but we celebrated today for comodity sake, as you can see they wanted a fairy castle cake so I called the Master Chef(a.k.a. Kc), who graciosly agreed to make it for them with a tiny bit of help from me...:p....they has fun and got so big in this last year, they also just passed thier exams in italian school for 4th grade...I'm so proud of them...


Nonna said...

I was praying for their exams- they're so smart! We love them to pieces!

Nyx Martinez said...

Oh, I missed their birthday! Tell them I wish I was there, but have been delayed with a little sickness. Please give my Love. Will probably be back in a couple weeks.

Love you guys!

Lisa said...

ok, will them, come see us sometime, Petra also had her baby on the 29th of June so you have to come see the little you..