Saturday, April 26, 2008

He Walks!!!

And so it is that this little man, finally just kind of took of the other day and greatly suprised me and his dad by walking all by his lonesome! It's been quite a few months that he was going just about everywhere by holding on to things and crawling but everytime we would try to get him to actually "walk" on his own he'd just refuse....but the other day at the age of 15 months he finally decided it was his time....sorry for the not so good pic of him standing alone, for in his capricorn stubborness he really was not in the mood for picture taking especially of him walking and was getting more upset by the the top pic he's grining trying to be all cute seeing that I caught him once more touching the dehumidifier with which he is totally obsessed and which he had been pulled away from countless times...oh well, enjoy....


Anonymous said...

Sono molto contenta Lisa che finalmente Mattia cammini! Io mi ricordo l'estate sorsa che a stento riusciva a stare seduto :P Salutami tutti! Baci Asia

Lisa said...

ciao Asia, che piacere sentirti, si finalmente si è deciso a camminare..cosa è successo al tuo blog? Lo hai cancellato?
saluti, un bacio

Dora said...

Congrats! I can't wait till mine walks!